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Hair Restoration

Book a complementary consultation to understand your hair loss and the options for hair restoration with medications and PRP therapy

Hair Restoration Facts

What is PRP? 

PRP stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma.


 It is a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment option for various medical conditions, such as hair loss. In PRP treatments, a person's blood is drawn, and the platelets are separated from the other blood cells. The platelets are then concentrated and injected into the scalp for hair restoration. The platelets contain numerous growth factors, which help to stimulate tissue repair and regeneration for improved hair quality, volume, and texture.

Hair loss FAQ

Hair loss affects nearly 80 percent of men and almost 50% of women. While men tend to lose hair in the front and at the top of their head, women's hair generally thins diffusely throughout the scalp creating a more "see-through" appearance. 


This condition, known as androgenic alopecia, is caused by a hereditary factor that only becomes apparent with age. 


By the time they reach menopause, most women will experience female pattern baldness, and men will experience it by the time they reach 50 years old.


 On average, a human scalp contains 100,000 to 150,000 hair follicles, and for hair loss to be visible to the naked eye, one must lose 50% of those follicles. Time is of the essence. If you are noticing hair loss you may have already lost a significant amount of hair that requires immediate attention. 

What is the success rate of PRP hair?

The success rate of PRP injections varies and there is no true consensus. However, for hair restoration, the success rate is felt to sit between 70-90%. At a minimum, it preserves what you have, but in some individuals, it can significantly improve hair quality, strength, texture and volume. 

How long does it take to see results?

After the initial 4 treatments, you should begin to see an increase in hair growth and volume in the treated area. Many people notice subtle changes even after as little as  1 or 2 treatments but be patient as results continue to improve for up to 6 months. This typically occurs 3-6 months post-treatment, with maximum results occurring at 12-18 months.


Partial treatments will not produce the same outcomes as a full set of 4 treatments. After 4 treatments many people are satisfied with their great results.

What is your treatment regime?

First, you will meet with Dr. KK or her team members to discuss your concerns in a complimentary consultation. We will discuss concomitant treatments that can help your results to be the best they can be. We will make recommendations for you to follow up with your primary care provider regarding blood work testing. 


Dr. Kasteel’s protocol consists of 4 treatments, spaced 6 weeks apart. (5-8 weeks is acceptable).


Many people notice subtle changes even after as little as  1 or 2 treatments but be patient as results continue to improve for up to 6 months. PRP is rich in growth factors that stimulate the growth of new follicles, lengthen the growth phase of existing hair follicles, and increase the number of hairs and blood vessels in a treated area. Partial treatments will not produce the same outcomes as a full set of 4 treatments. After 4 treatments many people are satisfied with their great results.


What is maintenance treatment?

After the initial 4 treatments, maintenance treatments may be scheduled semi-annually.  Many people continue taking 1 treatment every 4-6 months. The results of a PRP hair restoration treatment are long-lasting but are not permanent without ongoing support. 


What is the cost?

At < $2500 for a full 4x treatment course, PRP for hair restoration is more affordable than most people think. 


Compare this to the ~$25,000-$30,000 for hair transplantation and the decision is easy. Speaking of hair transplants, PRP is used frequently as ongoing maintenance therapy post-hair transplant to maintain the healthiest hair follicles. 


Is the PRP procedure painful?

There is only minimal discomfort with this 10-20-minute procedure. Ask Dr. KK's qualified team what additional pain control techniques they can offer in the clinic for your best comfort. 


What can I expect from my treatment?

There is no standard response as each individual has their own unique set of circumstances, treatment plan and medical history. However, it is reasonable to expect that after 4 treatments you will have overall healthier hair, with improved texture. You can also expect as much as 20% hair regrowth and a 20-40% increase in your hair's thickness and volume. 



What does the treatment appointment look like?

  • You will be asked to come to the clinic with clean, freshly washed hair that has no product in it. 

  • You will prehydrate before the treatment for the best plasma volume. 

  • You will have your blood drawn by a highly qualified and trained staff member. 

  • The blood will be spun in a centrifuge. 

  • While the blood is being prepared, the staff will take before and after pictures for comparison at a later time. 

  • Your scalp will be cleaned and the injection process will begin for 10-15 minutes. 

  • You will be asked not to wash your hair for 24-48 hours and not to use hair preparation ointments (such as minoxidil for 72 hours). Do not do vigorous exercise or use antiplatelet agents that could harm the platelets that have just been injected. 

  • We say goodbye and repeat this in 6-8 weeks.


Is PRP Safe?

Yes, it is your body's natural blood. No additives, no chemicals. 

As with any medical procedure, there is a risk of bleeding, bruising, discomfort, and infection, although it is quite rare. 


More questions?

Our qualified staff is more than happy to answer your questions in a complimentary consultation. Book in today at See you soon! 

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